Feb 4, 2013

Week 1 down....Week 2 up to bat!

Well week one is officially over and I’m happy to say that I weighed in at 260lbs, and that means I have lost 9lbs! Changing from 3,000 to 2,400 calories, working out every day, and watching your portion size can really change a lot quickly! I’m not backing off the diet anytime sooner! This week I will be increasing the workout time and the workouts that I am doing!

Feeling better mentally and physically every day and I am really enjoying myself! Even though I was doing this to speak at the Idaho BPA state conference so that I could look good, and now that I won’t be speaking there I’m still keeping on because I realize how much better I feel!

Week 2 begins tomorrow and I can’t wait till next Sunday! J

Jan 31, 2013

Day 3-4....Going Strong!

               Day 3 and 4 have been so much fun! Not only did I have to turn down smore’s and hot chocolate, but I had to turn down taco bell and pizza. You have to understand that the inner fat child that weighs 400 lbs. inside my body wants to eat all of this stuff! I decided yesterday since I was 800 calories below my goal of 2,400 calories/day that I could go ahead and enjoy 1 small smore and then I would have to walk away! Which I made sure to pay a visit to the gym today, to get that smore out of my system!

               I went to the gym today and was saving my calories for my awesome dinner that I had tonight! I tried to eat a little lighter, and made sure to work out just before dinner so I could get a good meal with my friends at Gambino’s! My big sis (in the Greek system), and I split a chicken parmesan dish! I had a 4oz breaded chicken breast with about 3oz of spaghetti, and a small side of bread. Topping it all off with a whopping 5 glasses of water!

               I’m actually enjoying this so much, and love to hit the gym. Do I want a burger or a 5 layer Quesadilla…yes! The reality is though that I’m healthy now and loving life!!! Can’t wait to shed these pounds off and become a Calvin Klein underwear model! Haha kidding!

Jan 29, 2013

Rocky Top.....Keeping me happy!

Day 2 and what a day it has been. Believe it or not I’m actually not as hungry as I was on day 1 which is great because it makes the diet way easier! My first weigh in will be on Sunday night so I’m pretty excited to see what week one has done to me. After all I don’t eat much since I cut back from about 3,050/day to about 2,400/day, well that’s what I’m supposed to be eating.

I’ve been eating about 1,600 calories a day and I’m actually having a hard time eating that many! Eating really healthy food and fighting the temptation is all it takes. I have cut bread, soda, and all those other fattening foods, and have been going to the gym once a day for right now. I will increase everything probably in a couple weeks or in a month! I know I won’t quit!

To make myself feel better and to not quit, I have bumped up listening to “Rocky Top” once/day too about four times/day, because it cheers me up!! I also tell myself after everything I eat that I’m so full I couldn’t eat another bite…..when truthfully I would love to drive myself down to that McDonalds and grab me a Big Mac, large fry, and a diet coke to keep it healthy. I miss those good things in life but I love the way I feel everyday now more! Day 1 and 2 are done, bring on day 3 baby!

Jan 28, 2013

Day 1.....The Weigh In!

Day 1 of the diet and the weigh in is going to be released through this blog!! I know I have tens and tens of followers out there who have just been dying to find out my starting weight for this new journey. A hint to how I feel about my weight after getting off the scale is all in the picture above.

When I stepped off that Scale today I knew that I had a serious problem and that it needs to change! I may not look as big as a weigh, but I fell it. I weighed it at 425 lbs......ok not really, but I know y'all are just scrolling down looking for the weight instead of reading the blog! I know not very many people have faith in me, but Eric and Jake from my fraternity who are running my diet do, so it is very helpful. Everyone's doubts is all I need to fuel the fire to this weight loss challenge!

"You can’t always be the strongest or most talented or most gifted person in the room, but you can be the most competitive. Competition allows you to influence your opponent."
~Pat Summit

My Opponent right is this weight loss challenge that I want to do. I weighed in today at 269 lbs and I want to get down to 200 lbs. Hoping to do most of this before summer, but I will continue it forever, since I want to be skinny!

Day 2 could hold so much more! You just never know! :)

Jan 24, 2013

Round 3....The Final Round

That's right folks, you may have given up on my weight lost challenge, but I do believe that I as a person am ready this time. I will blog my way through and tell you everything and I mean everything that happens. It starts on Monday 1/28, so that I can get the last bit of temptations out of my system. My beloved place to hang out and eat is Buffalo Wild Wings, and after today it will only be a place to eat salad, have a glass of water, and watch the game. No more wings and lemonade, no more 40 cent wing Tuesdays, and 60 cent wing Thursdays, just a nice cold glass of water with some lettuce.

I have decided to have a guy in my fraternity help me, because 1...he wants to do this kind of stuff when he graduates, and 2...he's a health freak! He will be making me a meal and exercise plan to follow and I will stick to it. It shouldn't be too hard up here in Moscow, Idaho where there is no temptation of Wild Wings just around the corner! I'm in it to win it this time guys! Monday the weigh in will be released!

Nov 26, 2012

Turkey Domination...Not Good!


        Oh how I love to go home and eat amazing food…the only problem is that there is no motivation to hit the gym, and with all that delicious food I believe that I’m now the stuffed turkey. I have decided it would be best to not weigh in and to just start hitting the gym. I’ll weigh in Sunday to find out how things are really going.

       Being the basketball team manager for the University of Idaho men’s basketball team is fun, but it does have a busy schedule which leaves all my free time to do homework…and blog I guess! I now have to make time in order to lose the weight. I have been doing better about walking everywhere I can and walking up and down stairs instead of taking the elevator!

       I hate to admit that I’m the stuffed turkey, but when you look down and you can basically see a whole turkey forming the shape of your belly…you know it’s time to get back to the gym. Some may still doubt me, but I will reach those 20 lbs. by December 31st and probably over that goal. Goodbye turkey belly and hello sexy belly ;)

Nov 12, 2012

Turkey/Birthday....Not stopping me!

Time for the first big challenge I have to my whole diet process….thanksgiving break! All the good food that will be made will be hard to take small portions of, and all the family I will get to see will distract me from my goal, but I have to stay focused. Deciding to leave the Fraternity a little early was the best choice for me, because it will get me to where I can go to the gym with my best friend every day and stay active with my cousin Lindsay. As she too is trying to reach her last few pounds of her goal, I know she will be a great workout buddy!

I’m still down 11 pounds from my last blog that I know of, but I haven’t weighed since then. Tonight I’m going to get a big workout in since I probably won’t want to tomorrow when I do finally get home! Just have to remember to eat healthy and small portions so that I can splurge a little bit when it comes to the big turkey! The only other distraction that week will be my birthday, the Saturday after thanksgiving when we will hit up my favorite place to eat…Buffalo Wild Wings!

After thanksgiving break I’m hoping to have a blog that says I’m down 20 pounds and counting!! Working every day to get to that goal weight of 200 pounds, and I know it’s possible if I put my mind to it and keep on pushing myself.