Jan 24, 2013

Round 3....The Final Round

That's right folks, you may have given up on my weight lost challenge, but I do believe that I as a person am ready this time. I will blog my way through and tell you everything and I mean everything that happens. It starts on Monday 1/28, so that I can get the last bit of temptations out of my system. My beloved place to hang out and eat is Buffalo Wild Wings, and after today it will only be a place to eat salad, have a glass of water, and watch the game. No more wings and lemonade, no more 40 cent wing Tuesdays, and 60 cent wing Thursdays, just a nice cold glass of water with some lettuce.

I have decided to have a guy in my fraternity help me, because 1...he wants to do this kind of stuff when he graduates, and 2...he's a health freak! He will be making me a meal and exercise plan to follow and I will stick to it. It shouldn't be too hard up here in Moscow, Idaho where there is no temptation of Wild Wings just around the corner! I'm in it to win it this time guys! Monday the weigh in will be released!

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