Jan 29, 2013

Rocky Top.....Keeping me happy!

Day 2 and what a day it has been. Believe it or not I’m actually not as hungry as I was on day 1 which is great because it makes the diet way easier! My first weigh in will be on Sunday night so I’m pretty excited to see what week one has done to me. After all I don’t eat much since I cut back from about 3,050/day to about 2,400/day, well that’s what I’m supposed to be eating.

I’ve been eating about 1,600 calories a day and I’m actually having a hard time eating that many! Eating really healthy food and fighting the temptation is all it takes. I have cut bread, soda, and all those other fattening foods, and have been going to the gym once a day for right now. I will increase everything probably in a couple weeks or in a month! I know I won’t quit!

To make myself feel better and to not quit, I have bumped up listening to “Rocky Top” once/day too about four times/day, because it cheers me up!! I also tell myself after everything I eat that I’m so full I couldn’t eat another bite…..when truthfully I would love to drive myself down to that McDonalds and grab me a Big Mac, large fry, and a diet coke to keep it healthy. I miss those good things in life but I love the way I feel everyday now more! Day 1 and 2 are done, bring on day 3 baby!

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