Oct 25, 2012

Day two...On track!

It is harder than I thought it was going to be to do this in college and the schedule I’m on. Between class, fraternity things, and being a manager for the Idaho Men’s Basketball team, I find myself trying to find something healthy to eat harder and harder. By taking a quick trip to Wal-Mart I was able to get some grab and go healthy food like pre-mixed salads, 100 calorie snacks, and even some lean cuisine meals! You just have to push yourself away from that free KFC they give you after working all day and say to yourself you have a delicious salad waiting for you back home.

When it comes to exercise, I feel as though I’m lucky to get enough each day, that if I miss the gym I will be ok. Walking these hills of Moscow day to day, having to run from the gym to the Kibbie and back three or four times a practice, and just deciding to take the stairs over the elevator are the things I have to do. The gym is very vital in order to keep going strong, because my body gets used to the daily walking, running, and taking the stairs. To do something a little extra everyday will push you over that peak of greatness.

The goal is to weigh 215-220 lbs., and to look good. When you look good you feel good, when you feel good you will succeed, taking the motivation, perseverance, and self-strength to meet the goals that I have put forth to beat. Day two has been a successful one, but it is only day two. Hopefully I will have dropped a total of 10lbs, meaning I only have to lose 3 lbs. this week. It’s a possible goal that will have to be met.

Food Intake Today


1 slice wheat toast w/ tbsp. of butter

6 oz. of apple juice



Corn on the Cobb

Bowl of salad

8 oz. tang juice







Caesar salad

Diet coke

1 comment:

  1. You can definitely do this!!! I am so proud of you!!! Three pounds is what I have been doing, so as a guy, you are going to more than achieve that!! Go Ethan!!!!
