Oct 24, 2012

Starting over...should've just kept on going!

Like the picture above, this has pretty much been me the last year, blaming an injury due to gaining back all my weight, and not just sticking it out. Now not only starting over, but starting with even more weight than last time. With the help of my Delta Tau Delta brothers I know that I can achieve this goal. Hard work and healthy eating will get me to lose at least twenty pounds by January 1st.

One year and five months ago I was at 230lbs after losing 29lbs off my starting weight of 259lbs. Last week I weighed 269lbs and have gained every pound back and gained another ten pounds. Today I have lost seven pounds and weighed in at 262lbs. My goal weight as of right now is to weigh a total of 220lbs. I signed a contract that if I do not lose twenty pounds by New Years I may not watch Rocky Top for 1 month and cannot participate in any New Year’s activities. I know that this is a very possible goal! I just have to remember to start my engine every morning :)

This is something I have to do for myself because I don't want to be unhealthy or unfit. Due to diabetes running on my dad’s side of the family, and recently my brother (who's fit and active) who got it, I have decided that it is truly important for me to get back on track. Watch for my weekly blogs that might even turn in to two to three times a week blogs. I will keep track of my weight loss and progress so that everyone can see where I stand.