Jun 29, 2011

Half Way!!!!!!! Time to kick it in gear!

I have officially lost 30 lbs since I have started my journey!!!!!! I started at 260 and I now weigh in at 230!! I have a total of 30 more lbs to lose to reach my goal weight! I also have lost a few inches off my waist. I'm so proud of myself because this is also the most weight I have ever lost when trying to lose weight! The last record was 20 lbs! Which I gained back, but I can esure you that this will not happen again!! New goal is to lose 15 lbs this month, to be that much closer to my goal!

I have also made my new workout/eating schedule for these next two months. I havn't been losing weight like I was at the beginning. I believe this is becasue i'm too used to the food and workout schedule now! Lets find out what this next month will bring to starting new!

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