Jun 19, 2011

Bad Week but NEW START!!!!

As most of my people know I was at Boy's state this weekend to learn about my possible future in politics! Only problem is, at boys state you get no sleep, exercise, or healthy food! It was a really rough weak and I'm sure I gained weight. It's hard to stay on track but today my weight loss partner who is doing operation moody hottness and is also my cousin brought up a brilliant idea. We will raise money based on how much weight we lose.  The idea is that we will get pledges from people to donate an amount per pound that we lose.  The non-profit we want to raise money for is the Women & Children's Alliance in Boise.  They are constantly in need of clothes, toiletries, and other items that we so often take for granted.  Operation Moody Hotness has always been about beauty from the inside out and women who find themselves in need of help are often beat down both emotionally and physically. Operation ethan Awesomeness is being great person to others even though they may try to knock you down for trying to lose weight and laughing cause your already a big person. At Women & Children's Alliance They have no hope and when children are involved it is just so much harder.  Not everyone has the support and love of family and friends like we have. This is a great idea and motivator to not just keep us on track, but to help those who really need help and support! If you have any ideas or comments please feel free!

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