Nov 26, 2012

Turkey Domination...Not Good!


        Oh how I love to go home and eat amazing food…the only problem is that there is no motivation to hit the gym, and with all that delicious food I believe that I’m now the stuffed turkey. I have decided it would be best to not weigh in and to just start hitting the gym. I’ll weigh in Sunday to find out how things are really going.

       Being the basketball team manager for the University of Idaho men’s basketball team is fun, but it does have a busy schedule which leaves all my free time to do homework…and blog I guess! I now have to make time in order to lose the weight. I have been doing better about walking everywhere I can and walking up and down stairs instead of taking the elevator!

       I hate to admit that I’m the stuffed turkey, but when you look down and you can basically see a whole turkey forming the shape of your belly…you know it’s time to get back to the gym. Some may still doubt me, but I will reach those 20 lbs. by December 31st and probably over that goal. Goodbye turkey belly and hello sexy belly ;)

Nov 12, 2012

Turkey/Birthday....Not stopping me!

Time for the first big challenge I have to my whole diet process….thanksgiving break! All the good food that will be made will be hard to take small portions of, and all the family I will get to see will distract me from my goal, but I have to stay focused. Deciding to leave the Fraternity a little early was the best choice for me, because it will get me to where I can go to the gym with my best friend every day and stay active with my cousin Lindsay. As she too is trying to reach her last few pounds of her goal, I know she will be a great workout buddy!

I’m still down 11 pounds from my last blog that I know of, but I haven’t weighed since then. Tonight I’m going to get a big workout in since I probably won’t want to tomorrow when I do finally get home! Just have to remember to eat healthy and small portions so that I can splurge a little bit when it comes to the big turkey! The only other distraction that week will be my birthday, the Saturday after thanksgiving when we will hit up my favorite place to eat…Buffalo Wild Wings!

After thanksgiving break I’m hoping to have a blog that says I’m down 20 pounds and counting!! Working every day to get to that goal weight of 200 pounds, and I know it’s possible if I put my mind to it and keep on pushing myself.


Nov 8, 2012

Lazy but talented....sometimes true!


It sure seems like getting off schedule seems to happen for me a lot! As I'm getting ready to step on the scale, I'm scared to see how much weight I gained, knowing that I had not been eating or exercising the way I should be. I guess the fact that even though I was not eating the right food, I was still not eating very much and drinking my water. I lost four more pounds, for a total of 11lbs! It was a good feeling knowing that I didn’t just gain everything back, and that I would have to start all over again! I feel even more motivated to lose the weight now that I have broken the ten pound mark! My goal is to lose 15lbs before I leave for thanksgiving break next weekend! This would need to happen since my contract that I made for myself says I have to lose 20lbs by New Years! Making exercise plans and preparing myself for what I’m going to eat that day is helpful in not snacking.


I love the doubters that say I won’t be able to do it because that just motivates me that much more. I’m ready to hit that goal weight of 220 as soon as I possibly can. Motivation, determination, and perseverance are the things I’m keeping in mind to keep me going. My next blog will be before I leave for thanksgiving break and I will have lost four more pounds, I can promise you that.


1st weigh in:     269  (October 21st)

2nd weigh in:    262  (November 5th)

3rd weigh in:    258  (November 8th)