Sep 25, 2011

Déjà vu!!!

Well what do you know! It's simply hard to lose weight with everything that goes on! I get to my doctors appointment and I didn't lose or I guess the plus side is that I stayed the same weight without gaining!!! First grandpa goes to heaven and that is on your plate like crazy for 2 weeks...then your BPA McCall retreat trip....then your fixing up a house for your brother....then homecoming....and then family & a funeral soon to come! How are you supposed to lose weight with so much going on. I still have school, work, and sports on top of all that! I got to push hard this month and really succeed! I know there's people out there counting on me and can't wait to hear how I do!!

**October Goal**

Maintain schedule....get eating proportion on track...lose 10 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya buddy! I promise you that you can do it! Get a notebook and write EVERYTHING you put in your body down. If you eat 1 grape, write it down! Also, pack your lunches and snacks the night before that way you are all set and you can control the portions and ingredients. When you eat out, it is all about damage control. Order the most healthy thing you can find! I know that we can do it and I will join you in the goal of losing 10lbs in October!!

    Love you!!
