Feb 5, 2012

Back on track, Injury, and finding your true friends

After so many issues with my diet I have decided to get back on track! Everything started out really well this week. My frist day I ran 2.05 miles and played 2 hours of tennis, while eating healthy all day! I was very proud of myself and got right back to it the next day! When thursday came around and my youth basketball team was short one person I had to scrimmage with my team! With shorter hoops, I thought I would show off in front of these fourth and fifth graders and go for a dunk! As I came down my leg locked up landing all of my weight on that leg!! After seeing my Athletic Trainer, he told me that I most likely tore my meniscus. Tomorrow I have a MRI and might have to have surgery! So once again there is a bit of a road block on my weight loss:(

This injury has really opend my eyes the last week. I needed a ride to school because I had difficulty's driving and the only person to respond to my facebook post was a girl who I hadn't really talked to since sophomore year. It was nice to know that someone out there really cared, unlike my "real" friends who didn't even respond at all or even txt me. Then the same day I needed a ride to the hospital so I could find out my problem....my one best friend who would have taken me is in college at BYU and obviously can't take me, but my other best friend who lives here in Idaho had Student Council that hour, and could have easily taken me....."Find out who your friends are" -Tracy Lawrence......My sister Taylor would have taken me but missed Human Anatomy last time and had a huge disection that day, but was willing to take me right after that class! I couldn't have thanked her enough for having my back.
It's times like these where you find out who really has your back and who's just acting like they have your back. Yes, it's just a small injury, but it's the small things where you need to look around and find out really who are your friends, and who will be there when you need them. It's times like these that I wish my best friend wasn't at college....but I also won't have him around for 2 years when he serves his Mission.

Thanks to Shanna Klahn who went to dinner and ice cream with me the other night...Had the best time of my life and havn't laughed so hard in a long time! Can't wait until BPA SLC when we really tear things up :)

It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.
Marlene Dietrich